Placement on Trails Civilization haunts the waterways.º Our dependence on water, land, air, and other creatures - ourselves included – bind us together. RiverCubes bind together the stuff of our own making. Without the People who made, used, and discarded the stuff of RiverCubes we would not be: our inherited legacy is ours… Us & Them – We: as a culture – an individualist culture notwithstanding - have much to gain by a first hand involvement in coming to terms with a mixed history of use and abuse of “natural resources.” RiverCubes Projects involve people who self select by their proximity to and or involvement in the rivers. By displaying the consolidated results of clean-up efforts near where the stuff was “found” we ask ourselves: What is this stuff? Where did it come from?? How did it get here??? And Where would it be if not here???? º Alfred North Whitehead
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